Tuesday, May 8



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Tuesday, October 27

Fall Is Becoming Regeneration of Business

Ecologically Recycling the Past to Present Fashionable Use

Fall is the time of excitement as all welcome the cooler weather and thoughts turn to time with friends and family.

Holidays are approaching which leads to importance of better planning.
This is where Brisanapage can help!!

Brisanapage has been organizing styles of clothing for fall into winter. We are excited to be adding to our fall line as time permits.
Please remember to visit us....


Also coming up for you are absolutely Wonderful items of home decor....Including personalized table linens and napkins....
Watch for these as well in the coming weeks....


And Finally....Short and sweet as this is...
Brisanapage is designing an E-Book for FREE!!!
Our Gift to You....
We appreciate All of Our Customers....One at a Time.

The Book?
5 Easy Steps to Thanksgiving Dinner without the Stress!
Includes Recipes and wonderful ideas to decorate!
Look for it next week...And be ready to download!

Thanks for taking the time to visit us today!
As the owner of Brisanapage....I personally am very thankful for this fall and the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful new and old friends as customers developing a business relationship in our vintage venue. As most of you know....I've been on disability this past year. The challenge of running a business 24/7 while supposed to be in bed is exactly a juxtaposition of life. So fall is the opportunity that is so exciting to me! To plan, organize, implement and present to YOU the customer the opportunity to create a fashionable image and decorate a home of comfort and peace!

If you live in the DC area and wish to try on any items of clothing prior to purchase...You are welcome to call for a private appointment. We carry much more than what we have online!
Time is limited to get it all done in a day.
Call: 571-766-8180
Leave a message and times that would work for appt.
We will arrange for your personal visit 10-4 Monday-Friday

Until next week....
Peace out and have a zen fantabulous day!!!!


Tuesday, June 23

About Bonanzle: Why Should I Join?

Ecological Recycling of Fashion and Finds.
Salvaging from the Past to Present Use

What is Bonanzle?

Bonanzle is an online marketplace for buying and selling
items faster while having more fun.
Our specialty is helping you buy and sell
items that aren't shiny, new, and mass-produced.

The principle of relentless simplicity drives our easy-to-use yet
powerful user experience.


Bonanzle for Brisanapage has offered a very economical alternative to other marketplace venues.

Bonanzle has no fee set up to join in three easy steps.

In addition to the marketplace, Bonanzle offers a community oriented social network.

This community has in my experience been unsurpassed in the rewards of making a friend, finding assistance,

and just putting any and all questions to a forum.

In addition to all of this, there are also links within Bonanzle to other forums.

This page is just one example of that kind of forum, but you can find groups such as the

Orange Hat Society

to join that offers a morning coffee style of conversation...all day long!

  • Bonanzle Community

  • Shop the Bonanzle mall

  • Brisanapage Store

  • Contact Brianapage

  • Bloggers for Bonanzle